Monday, August 1, 2016

Notebook Page 17, July 2016

ACS CAN continues to push for the passage of SB 625, the oral chemotherapy fairness legislation. The Senate overwhelmingly passed SB 625 by a 36-1 vote in May. The legislation sits in the House Insurance committee. The chairman has not confirmed a hearing or vote for the legislation and time is running out before the end of session. 

We are working with coalition partners and others to get the legislation moved before the November election date. Grassroots have taken place throughout the summer to keep the issue in the spotlight for members of the House Insurance Committee.  ACS CAN and Relay for Life volunteers have taken over Insurance Committee Chair Tom Leonard’s coffee hours in June and July and put a major focus on the oral chemotherapy legislation.

An ordinance to make the purchase of tobacco products illegal for any under age 21 was introduced in Ann Arbor on July 18th.  The ordinance is set for a final vote on August 4th. If passed, Ann Arbor would become the first municipality in Michigan to pass a tobacco 21 ordinance.

Recently, Michigan State Representative Julie Plawecki passed away suddenly.  Rep. Plawecki was a champion for health issues in the Michigan legislature and was set to introduce statewide legislation for tobacco 21 in July.  That legislation has been put on hold until a new sponsor can be found.  Additionally, Rep. Plawecki was the sponsor of colorectal cancer screening legislation that is now 

ACS CAN advocates in Michigan have been pushing Congressman Fred Upton to act on HR 3119, the Palliative Care and Hospice Education & Training Act (PCHETA).  This legislation has a total of 170 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives and currently sits in the House Energy and Commerce Committee which is chaired by Congressman Fred Upton from southwest Michigan.  ACS CAN will continue doing activity over the summer to encourage Congressman Upton to put the legislation up for a hearing in his committee. 

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