October has been a quiet month for the legislature. The House was scheduled for one day of session
and cancelled that and the Senate was in Lansing for one week’s worth of work during the
middle of the month. The only issue that concerned ACS CAN was the fix for the Medicaid funding
mechanic called HICA (Health Insurance Claims Assessment).
HICA was created a few years ago by the legislature when they found out the way they were collecting funding for Medicaid was not acceptable to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS). CMS stated that Michigan could not tax health insurance plans for having the ability to provide Medicaid services. So the legislature created HICA which taxed the health plans on the back end of service, taxing them at a rate of 1.25% of each claim they submitted to Medicaid for payment. This funding was then bundled and sent to the federal government where it could be matched and sent back to Michigan to pay claims.
Recently CMS has stepped in again saying that the funding source for matching funds needs to
come from a broad based revenue stream. This means they are looking for revenue that would
impact everyone in Michigan rather than just those using Medicaid. So the legislature created a
plan to deal with this situation. First the HICA would be repealed. The business community has
always been at odds with the HICA since it’s inception a few years back. Secondly a fund would
be created that would be used just to fund Medicaid. This fund would not be accessible by any
other programs. Finally a percentage of the income tax would be directed to this new fund leaving
less dollars for the state to appropriate in other programs.
This creates a major shift in how we fund Medicaid and it is the hope that this will allay the
concerns that CMS has about Michigan’s Medicaid funding. The legislation was passed by the
Senate and was sent to the Governor’s office for his signature. The governor and his administration
signaled during this process that they were not in favor of the legislation because they didn't
feel it addressed the problems stated by CMS. On Thursday, October 27 the Governor honored
his concerns and word and vetoed the legislation. It is unknown at this time if the legislature will return to override the Governor’s veto.
If the legislature doesn’t return for a veto vote right away, they won’t see real business until after
the Thanksgiving/Hunting break in the middle of November. This lawmaking period will really
be controlled by the elections. Looking at some of Michigan’s battleground seats in the House,
the chances of the House moving to a 55/55 split of Republicans and Democrats is looking better
and better every day. This would mean that Republicans would lose control of the House
and we could see a ton of legislation move that fits in the agenda of conservative republicans
during lame duck session. So we are in a wait and see mode for the upcoming elections.
Here is my blog on what I've been doing at the Capitol and beyond. Feel free to reach out at andrew.schepers@cancer.org if you have any questions or comments! Thanks for following my adventures!!
Monday, December 5, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Notebook Page 18, September 2016
September found Michigan’s legislators returning to Lansing full time from their summer in-district work periods. Due to all of the activity of volunteers in support of Oral Fairness (Parity) legislation, they returned with oral chemotherapy on the forefronts of their minds. This summer ASC CAN saw hundreds of communications to lawmakers from all around the state on the importance of oral chemotherapy fairness and asking for support of Senate Bill 625 in its current form. In addition to our efforts, a strong coalition of ACS CAN, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, the Michigan Society of Hematologists and Oncologists, and others from around the state and beyond have engaged and activated their volunteers into action for the final push this fall. We feel more confident than any other time that this issue could finally make it out of the legislature and on to the Governor for his signature.
The other issue that had ACS CAN’s attention was the reworking of the Health Insurance Claims Assessment or HICA tax in Michigan’s Medicaid program. The purpose of HICA is to gain revenue for Michigan’s Medicaid program by taxing the claims that each HMO that services Medicaid processes. The HMO’s pay 1% of each claim to the state. That money goes into a fund that is sent to the federal government so that it can be matched by the federal government and sent back to Michigan to fund their Medicaid program. It can be thought of a user fee for the HMO’s who decided to carry Medicaid products. The issue that arises out of this is that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services says that the only way the states can collect revenue to send for matching funds is through a “broad-based” revenue collection process. This is why the House and Senate worked on legislation that would change how HICA worked.
First HICA monies would be shifted from Medicaid to the general fund. Secondly a portion of the income tax dollars the state collected would be shifted into a fund specifically for Medicaid that would be used for the federal match dollars. Finally, the HICA would be sunsetted in 2018, where it was originally 2020. This could provide some funding problems for the Medicaid program along with other programs if HICA is sunsetted without other revenue, it will ensure cuts within the state’s budget. Lawmakers now head home to continue on working on their campaigns for the upcoming general election. I would expect activity on oral chemotherapy after the election and the Senate may act on the HICA issues in the one week they are in Lansing in October.
Federal Update
More than 600 cancer patients, survivors and their loved ones from all 50 states and nearly every congressional district were on Capitol Hill on September 13 to ask members of Congress to make the fight against cancer a national priority. A dozen volunteers from Michigan attended the ACS CAN national Lobby Day to urge lawmakers to increase funding for cancer research and prevention programs, advance legislation that supports patients’ quality of life and ensure lifesaving colon cancer screenings are affordable for seniors.
ACS CAN advocates asked members of Congress to increase the budget for the National Cancer Insititute (NCI) by $680 million to support the Cancer Moonshot initiative. The Cancer Moonshot, led by Vice President Joe Biden, has the potential to accelerate progress against cancer through increased research funding and the development of new targeted detection tests, treatments and therapies.
In meetings on Capitol Hill, ACS CAN advocates from Michigan urged lawmakers to increase federal research funding at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) through the appropriations process and by passing 21st Century Cures legislation. The 21st Century Cures legislation was introduced by Michigan Congressman Fred Upton. Michigan advocates met with Rep. Upton and he supported increasing the NCI budget by $680 million.

In addition to meeting with all members of the House of Representatives, Michigan advocates also met with Senator Debbie Stabenow and Senator Gary Peters. Both Senators were extremely supportive of all three priorities with Senator Peters telling advocates he’ll do whatever is needed to increase cancer research funding
Monday, August 1, 2016
Notebook Page 17, July 2016
ACS CAN continues to
push for the passage of SB 625, the oral chemotherapy fairness legislation. The
Senate overwhelmingly passed SB 625 by a 36-1 vote in May. The legislation sits
in the House Insurance committee. The chairman has not confirmed a hearing or
vote for the legislation and time is running out before the end of session.
are working with coalition partners and others to get the legislation moved
before the November election date. Grassroots have taken place throughout the
summer to keep the issue in the spotlight for members of the House Insurance
Committee. ACS CAN and Relay for Life volunteers have taken over
Insurance Committee Chair Tom Leonard’s coffee hours in June and July and put a
major focus on the oral chemotherapy legislation.
An ordinance to make
the purchase of tobacco products illegal for any under age 21 was introduced in
Ann Arbor on July 18th. The ordinance is set for a final vote
on August 4th. If passed, Ann Arbor would become the first
municipality in Michigan to pass a tobacco 21 ordinance.
Recently, Michigan State Representative Julie Plawecki
passed away suddenly. Rep. Plawecki was a champion for health issues in
the Michigan legislature and was set to introduce statewide legislation for
tobacco 21 in July. That legislation has been put on hold until a new
sponsor can be found. Additionally, Rep. Plawecki was the sponsor of
colorectal cancer screening legislation that is now
ACS CAN advocates in Michigan
have been pushing Congressman Fred Upton to act on HR 3119, the Palliative Care
and Hospice Education & Training Act (PCHETA). This legislation has a
total of 170 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives and currently sits in
the House Energy and Commerce Committee which is chaired by Congressman Fred Upton
from southwest Michigan. ACS CAN will continue doing activity over the
summer to encourage Congressman Upton to put the legislation up for a hearing
in his committee.
Friday, June 3, 2016
Notebook Page 16, June 2016
June signals the end of the budget discussions and more
importantly the unofficial start of summer. The House and Senate began their
work to revise the state budgets for the coming fiscal year. In mid-May the
House and Senate Fiscal Agencies along with the State Treasurer sat down and
gave their final revenue estimate for the coming fiscal year. Projections were
down from the January meeting due to lower tax revenue from gasoline. This left
the legislature with the need to find savings in the coming year. ACS CAN
contacted the six-member conference committee for the Health and Human Services
budget and asked that three items not be considered in their final
Two of the items were money related to tobacco and cancer
prevention. We asked that the tobacco
and cancer prevention lines stay at their current levels and not receive any
cuts from the current fiscal year budget.
The third item dealt with access to cancer medications for
those on Medicaid. Since the nineties, those on Medicaid never had to obtain
prior authorization for certain classes of drugs. Those classes are arranged by
condition rather than drug class. Cancer is a condition that is listed in the
statute for those on fee-for-service Medicaid, those on an HMO plan receive the
protection but it is not written in statute, but rather an internal policy of
the Department of Health and Human Services. Language in this year’s budget
would allow that protection to be codified for one year for those on an HMO
plan. The committee is scheduled to meet during the week of June 6th
to finalized the budget.
Our other exciting news in Michigan is we are now one big
step closer to have greater access to oral chemotherapy drugs in Michigan. The Senate
overwhelmingly passed Senate Bill 625 by a 36-1 vote. Senate Bill 625 is oral chemotherapy fairness
legislation that ACS CAN has been working on with other coalition partners. The
legislation now sits in the House Insurance committee where the chairman has
signaled that the legislation would not move until after the elections. We are
working with coalition partners and others to get the legislation moved before
the November election date. Grassroots
activities will take place throughout the summer to keep the issue in the
spotlight for members of the House Insurance Committee.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Notebook Page 14, April 2016
Spring has finally made its way to Lansing and with that Lawmakers are making their way out of Lansing for their two week spring break. Some budgets have moved out of their subcommittees but the Health and Human Services budget still finds itself being tweaked. Let's take a look at what happened last month in Lansing.
The House and Senate continue to work on their respective budgets for the coming fiscal year. This year the House signaled a trimming of the Health and Human Service budget which houses the programs that ACS CAN continues to support. Chairman VerHeulen said that the budget would see a reduction from the the Governor proposed for the coming fiscal year. It is unclear right now what funding will be effect in this large budget, but it is expected that both the cancer and tobacco prevention programs could be in the cross hairs. We expect to know after the legislature returns from its two week break.
The Governor signed Senate Bill 150 in March. Senate Bill would allow for patient to sync their medication for a one fill date rather than having multiple fill dates and having multiple trips to the pharmacy. ACS CAN staff worked with the legislature and interested parties to help push the legislation over the finish line. The legislation was widely supported by both the House and Senate and the Governor signed the legislation. The changes will become effective by July 2016.
More importantly Lobby Day is coming up in Michigan on April 19th. We have a ton of interest this year, thanks to everyone that has promoted our day. As we approach the deadline for Lobby Day registration next week (April 5), we’d like everyone to follow up on any potential attendees you’ve already talked with and avoid inviting any new volunteers at the last minute. We still have dozens of potential volunteers to follow-up with so please make that a priority in the next few days. April 5th is a solid deadline due to the amount of interest we have this year for lobby day.
The House and Senate continue to work on their respective budgets for the coming fiscal year. This year the House signaled a trimming of the Health and Human Service budget which houses the programs that ACS CAN continues to support. Chairman VerHeulen said that the budget would see a reduction from the the Governor proposed for the coming fiscal year. It is unclear right now what funding will be effect in this large budget, but it is expected that both the cancer and tobacco prevention programs could be in the cross hairs. We expect to know after the legislature returns from its two week break.
The Governor signed Senate Bill 150 in March. Senate Bill would allow for patient to sync their medication for a one fill date rather than having multiple fill dates and having multiple trips to the pharmacy. ACS CAN staff worked with the legislature and interested parties to help push the legislation over the finish line. The legislation was widely supported by both the House and Senate and the Governor signed the legislation. The changes will become effective by July 2016.
More importantly Lobby Day is coming up in Michigan on April 19th. We have a ton of interest this year, thanks to everyone that has promoted our day. As we approach the deadline for Lobby Day registration next week (April 5), we’d like everyone to follow up on any potential attendees you’ve already talked with and avoid inviting any new volunteers at the last minute. We still have dozens of potential volunteers to follow-up with so please make that a priority in the next few days. April 5th is a solid deadline due to the amount of interest we have this year for lobby day.
After the registration deadline, all registered participants
will be receiving an email about logistics, transportation, and our legislative
issues. We’ll be having a call for volunteers on April 14th at
7pm to cover the topics that will be discussed at Lobby Day. Staff can
expect an email from me soon to discuss transportation and car-pooling from
your areas. Thank you again for everyone that has promoted lobby day around Michigan.
If you have any questions about what is happening in Michigan and beyond please don't hesitate to contact Andrew (andrew.schepers@cancer.org) or Matt (matt.phelan@cancer.org).
Notebook Page 15, May 2016
Michigan's Cancer Advocates at the Capitol. |
Spring has finally made it's way back to Michigan. With the arrival of spring also means that volunteers from around the state will start to make their way to Lansing to talk to our lawmakers about issues that are important to all of those who face cancer every day. Lets review the happenings of April in Lansing:
Michigan Lobby Day a Big Success!
On April 19,
119 ACS CAN advocates and staff met with state legislators for our annual
Michigan Lobby Day. Volunteers held 65 total meetings with legislators or their
staff. This year’s Lobby Day had over 30
more volunteers than last year and you could feel the electricity in the room.
This year’s Lobby Day focused on two policy areas: 1) support
for oral chemotherapy fairness legislation and 2) increasing Michigan’s tobacco
taxes and using this new revenue to fund Cancer and Tobacco Prevention
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Phil Moilenan meeting with Rep. Maturen. |
The day was highlighted by some great speakers. Cliff Douglas, Vice President of Tobacco Control for the American Cancer Society and Carter Steger, Senior Director of State and Local Campaigns for ACS CAN gave the keynote address about the harms of all tobacco products. Dr. Randy Hillard gave an inspiring talk about his battle with stomach cancer and how oral chemotherapy was available to him, but isn’t available to everyone because of its cost.
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Michigan's Volunteer of the Year Sandra Westover. |
Hailey Urbach speaking at the rally. |
This year, ACS CAN awarded Sandra Westover from Frederic, MI
with the annual Volunteer of the Year award for her outstanding contributions
to ACS CAN and the American Cancer Society.
As a result
of our Lobby Day, the Senate Insurance Committee passed our oral chemotherapy
fairness legislation by a 7-0 the following day. Our advocates pushed legislators to act and
they responded.
State Update
As you can see from above the Senate Insurance committee passed out Senate bill 625 or the oral chemotherapy fairness legislation to the full Senate. It was thanks to the great work of our volunteers that helped the legislation have a smooth transition out of committee and over to the Senate floor. We will continue to monitor the legislation has it moves through the Senate. The expectation is that the legislation will move the first week in May.
Budgets are also on the move in both chambers. This year's budgeting process is more straight forward with elections looming for House members in August and November. The two main funding lines that ACS CAN concentrates on in the budget are the tobacco and cancer prevention lines in the Health and Wellness Fund. Years past this fund has been used as a funding football but with this being an election year the funding for those programs has not been touched. This is a good first step in the movement of the budget. We will be watching now for the middle of May when both the House and Senate Fiscal agencies and the State Treasurer come together to finalize the expected revenue for the coming fiscal year. That will tell us whether the state needs to cut or if they will have more money than they expected.
Federal Update
cancer screening legislation is gaining momentum in Congress. The Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer
Act is legislation supported by ACS CAN to close a loophole in Medicare. Many seniors are going in to get their
regular colonoscopy, but it is standard practice that a doctor removes any
suspicious polyp during the procedure. We know that removing these polyps,
saving lives. The problem is that some
seniors are getting bills in the mail after the procedure because the polyp
removal is not considered a “screening”. All screenings must be fully
covered by insurance. We are working
hard to close this loophole to save more lives.
To find out more about this legislation, please visit http://www.acscan.org/coloncancer.
As always don't be afraid to reach out to us. Go to our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/AcsCanMichigan for all of the latest updates and action going on in Michigan.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Notebook Page 13, March 2016
Last month, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder released his
official budget. Unfortunately, Governor
Snyder’s budget called for sustained funding for the state’s cancer prevention
and tobacco prevention programs.
Governor Snyder also requested in his budget to use $720 million over 10
years from the tobacco master settlement agreement (MSA) to fix Detroit’s
public school system. ACS CAN does not
support this move. The Governor’s budget
did not call for any increases in state revenue.
Work continues on Michigan’s campaign to raise tobacco
taxes to fund prevention. Our coalition
called the Prevention Michigan Tobacco Free Campaign continues to grow. We now have 24 groups on board including the
major health organizations in the state.
Most recently, Michigan’s Prevention Network signed onto the campaign.
Recent gains with the Governor’s office toward support of a
tobacco tax increase have been significantly delayed due to the water crisis in
Flint. The crisis in Flint is expected
to distract the Governor’s office for the foreseeable future so our focus has
now shifted towards the legislature. Michigan’s State Lead Ambassador, Phil
Moilanen, will meet on March 4 with State Senator Mike Shirkey who is a key
lawmaker in the State Senate. Action alerts will be going out to advocates
throughout March and April leading up to Michigan’s Lobby Day.
Michigan’s annual Lobby Day will take place on April
19. In addition to Lobby Day, we have
added a Leadership Breakfast on the morning of the 19th. This ACS CAN Leadership Breakfast will be a
fundraising event geared towards high profile volunteers and ACS CAN
partners. Dr. Randy Hillard and Vicki
Rakowski, RN have agreed to serve as honorary chairs for this event. Members of the legislative leadership and key
legislators related to health policy have been invited to the breakfast to talk
with those in attendance.
The legislative issues, or asks, have been finalized for
Michigan’s Lobby Day. The day will focus
on two major issues, raising the state’s tobacco taxes and creating oral
chemotherapy parity to increase access to cancer drugs.
At Lobby day, we’ll be asking legislators to increase the
cigarette tax by $1.50 while bringing other tobacco products into parity with
the cigarette tax to increase revenue.
We’ll also ask our legislators to invest $50 million of the new revenue
created by this tax increase into our prevention programs. Michigan’s Tobacco Prevention Program only
receives $1.6 million in state funds annually while the Cancer Prevention
Program only receives $500,000. These
amounts are far below the recommendations set by the Centers for Disease
In 2004,
Michigan saw its last increase in tobacco taxes with the majority of the
dollars either being absorbed in Medicaid or in education. The funding for prevention
efforts such as tobacco and cancer prevention has dropped off significantly
during that same time. Additionally, other tobacco products like chew and
e-cigarettes have sky rocketed in usage. More and more of our youth are now
trying emerging tobacco products because they’ve been told these products
“aren’t as bad” as cigarettes or chew tobacco.
The other legislative issue, or ask, that we’ll address at
Lobby day will be oral chemotherapy parity, or “fairness.” This issue has
finally started to see some action in the Senate. Senate
Bill 625 has
been introduced and was brought up for
a hearing in the Senate Insurance Committee last month. Senate Bill 625 ensures
that patients facing cancer won’t have to pay a higher price for chemotherapy
taken orally, as opposed to intravenously in a hospital.
Currently, 40 volunteers and 19 staff are registered for
Michigan Lobby Day. Registration will
end on April 5.
This week, market teams were pressed to move Lobby Day
recruitment to the top of their priorities.
The larger markets of Detroit and Grand Rapids have been goaled at 12
volunteers recruited while the smaller markets (Flint, Lansing, Ann Arbor) have
a goal of 6 volunteers.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Notebook Page 12 February 2016
February signals the start of budget
season in Michigan with the governor scheduled to present his budget to the Legislature
on Wednesday, February 10 at 11:00 a.m. You can watch the hearing here.
addition to the budget, there are several other issues we’ve been focused on.
Oral chemotherapy parity, or “fairness,”
has finally started to see some action in the Senate. Last month, a coalition,
including ACS CAN, worked with Senator Goeff Hansen to have Senate Bill 625 introduced and brought up for a hearing in
the Senate Insurance Committee. Senate Bill 625 ensures that patients facing
cancer won’t have to pay a higher price for chemotherapy taken orally, as
opposed to intravenously. ACS CAN presented a letter to the committee, outlining
the need for access to these critical treatment options for patients facing
cancer. Our coalition hopes to have the legislation sent to the House before
the start of summer recess.
The Senate Health Policy Committee took up House Bill 4812, which would provide regulations for the
use of biosimilar medications in Michigan. These are drugs that are almost
identical to an original product manufactured by a different company. But
unlike generic drugs, they are not exact copies. We continue to support interchanging
biosimilar drugs with prescribed medications, as long as the patient’s health
care provider is notified. Because
biosimilars are somewhat different from the originally prescribed drug, it’s
important to notify a prescribing physician of the switch. This legislation is
expected to make it out of the Senate before summer recess.
Medication synchronization is another
issue that the House will take up later this month. Senate Bill 150 would allow patients schedule their
medications to be filled on the same day. This ensures that patients and their
caregivers won’t be running back and forth to the pharmacy to constantly refill
prescriptions. The bill has moved from
the Senate to the House for further consideration.
February is a busy month for ACS CAN in
Michigan. For more information, go to our
website at http://www.acscan.org/action/mi.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Notebook Page 11 January 2016
Happy New Year and welcome to 2016. ACS CAN's campaigns are in
full swing in Michigan with tobacco prevention and cancer prevention on the
forefront of the agenda. Michigan lawmakers make their way back to Lansing on
January 13th for the first day of session. Not much is expected to happen in
the first couple days back since Governor Snyder will be giving his State of
the State address on January 19th. We are interested in seeing what the
Governor has in store for his agenda for 2016.
As for issues happening in Michigan that
ACS CAN is involved in, we are continuing to meet with our coalition focusing
on tobacco prevention in Michigan. The coalition is made up of great partners
that are interested in getting tobacco and e-cigarettes out of the hands of our
kids in the right and responsible way. The Governor will be presenting his
budget message for 2016 in February and we hope that prevention will be on his
Oral Parity for Chemotherapy drugs will be
starting as well. Currently, Senate Bill 625 is awaiting a tentative hearing
date of January 20th in the Senate Insurance Committee. ACS CAN has been a part
of a coalition of partners with the leadership of the Leukemia and Lymphoma
Society and Celgene. We are hopeful that the legislation will make its way out
of the Senate very soon!
2016 is setting up to have an exciting
start to the year. Stay tuned to find out further information on our agenda,
the Governor's agenda, and others for 2016
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