The House and Senate continue to work on their respective budgets for the coming fiscal year. This year the House signaled a trimming of the Health and Human Service budget which houses the programs that ACS CAN continues to support. Chairman VerHeulen said that the budget would see a reduction from the the Governor proposed for the coming fiscal year. It is unclear right now what funding will be effect in this large budget, but it is expected that both the cancer and tobacco prevention programs could be in the cross hairs. We expect to know after the legislature returns from its two week break.
The Governor signed Senate Bill 150 in March. Senate Bill would allow for patient to sync their medication for a one fill date rather than having multiple fill dates and having multiple trips to the pharmacy. ACS CAN staff worked with the legislature and interested parties to help push the legislation over the finish line. The legislation was widely supported by both the House and Senate and the Governor signed the legislation. The changes will become effective by July 2016.
More importantly Lobby Day is coming up in Michigan on April 19th. We have a ton of interest this year, thanks to everyone that has promoted our day. As we approach the deadline for Lobby Day registration next week (April 5), we’d like everyone to follow up on any potential attendees you’ve already talked with and avoid inviting any new volunteers at the last minute. We still have dozens of potential volunteers to follow-up with so please make that a priority in the next few days. April 5th is a solid deadline due to the amount of interest we have this year for lobby day.
After the registration deadline, all registered participants
will be receiving an email about logistics, transportation, and our legislative
issues. We’ll be having a call for volunteers on April 14th at
7pm to cover the topics that will be discussed at Lobby Day. Staff can
expect an email from me soon to discuss transportation and car-pooling from
your areas. Thank you again for everyone that has promoted lobby day around Michigan.
If you have any questions about what is happening in Michigan and beyond please don't hesitate to contact Andrew ( or Matt (