Monday, January 11, 2016

Notebook Page 11 January 2016

Happy New Year and welcome to 2016. ACS CAN's campaigns are in full swing in Michigan with tobacco prevention and cancer prevention on the forefront of the agenda. Michigan lawmakers make their way back to Lansing on January 13th for the first day of session. Not much is expected to happen in the first couple days back since Governor Snyder will be giving his State of the State address on January 19th. We are interested in seeing what the Governor has in store for his agenda for 2016. 

As for issues happening in Michigan that ACS CAN is involved in, we are continuing to meet with our coalition focusing on tobacco prevention in Michigan. The coalition is made up of great partners that are interested in getting tobacco and e-cigarettes out of the hands of our kids in the right and responsible way. The Governor will be presenting his budget message for 2016 in February and we hope that prevention will be on his mind.

Oral Parity for Chemotherapy drugs will be starting as well. Currently, Senate Bill 625 is awaiting a tentative hearing date of January 20th in the Senate Insurance Committee. ACS CAN has been a part of a coalition of partners with the leadership of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Celgene. We are hopeful that the legislation will make its way out of the Senate very soon!

2016 is setting up to have an exciting start to the year. Stay tuned to find out further information on our agenda, the Governor's agenda, and others for 2016