The summer recess for Michigan’s Legislature is quickly coming to
an end and while lawmakers have enjoyed some time off, ACS CAN has remained
hard at work preparing for the fall session.
One of our ongoing priorities is the issue of palliative care. On
August 27th ACS CAN hosted the Michigan Palliative Care Summit in
Lansing. The summit brought together
patient leaders, physicians and others from around the state to take an
in-depth look at ways to improve palliative care and patient quality of life in
Debbie Webster, from the Michigan Department of Health and Human
Services, started the program and provided information on Michigan's Cancer
Plan and what the Michigan Cancer Consortium’s five year goals are around
palliative care. She was joined by Dr. Gary Roth, the medical director of the
Michigan Health and Hospital Association's Keystone Center. The Keystone Center
is charged with finding quality measures and initiatives surrounding high risk
or critical areas in medicine. He is also a thoracic surgeon
with extensive
experience using palliative care with his patients. Finally, Dr. Michael Stellini, palliative care
director for the Veterans Administration Hospital in Detroit, spoke about his
experience in a multi-year VA initiative creating comprehensive palliative care
teams—including doctors, nurses, social workers and chaplains—and how that has
worked to improve patient care.
Presentation from Debbie Webster from MDHHS |
The presentations provided a framework for a robust round table
discussion wherein our experts and others focused in on a few major hurdles
facing palliative care in Michigan. Namely: workforce development, availability
of in-home care, education and awareness of palliative care among families and
patients, and reimbursement and data tracking for providing such care. The
group left the event energized and excited to start tackling these issues ahead
of the next October gathering.
In addition to palliative care, the ACS CAN Michigan team
continues to narrow down our priorities for the 2016 legislative session. If
your office is interested in a sneak-peak at what’s to come this session,
please contact Matt Phelan at to set up an office lunch
and learn.