Things started to heat back up in Lansing this week with lawmakers
making their way back from a two-week long spring break. What is ahead of them
from here until summer? Budget work is the number one issue on everyone's mind.
Let’s review the happenings from this first week back from break:
The House Education Committee took testimony on Senate Bill 139, which would allow for bake sale
fundraisers in schools. Under current federal regulations, if items that are
being sold are not within nutritional standards, they are not allowed to be
sold. There are exceptions for items that are prepackaged like Boy Scout
popcorn or Girl Scout cookies.
ACS CAN is a member of the Healthy Kids Healthy Michigan (HKHM)
coalition that supports better nutritional standards, better health education
classes and more activity for kids while at school. We joined HKHM in
opposition of the legislation, since it would weaken the nutrition standards in schools, with the hope of seeing substantial changes to
the legislation . We are looking forward to working with
HKHM and others to change the bill moving forward.
The Senate were working on other issues this week that were tied in to Auto No-Fault reform.
The Senate Appropriations Committee started to move its budget
bills this week. The Department of Community Health Budget is scheduled for
action on Tuesday. The House has scheduled its appropriations committee for
every day they are in Lansing this week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday). We
will be watching the movements of the budget with this hurdle over and several
more to go.
One federal note from our last notebook entrance. House Resolution 2 was
passed by the Senate and was sent to the President for his signature. This is
huge for us since it allowed for re-authorization of funding for Federally
Qualified Health Centers until 2017. This is important because now the federal government will keep funding these centers that provide health care to those who are undeserved.
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to
contact me at